Our business principles are part of our identity and our Code of Conduct.
These fundamental principles must be observed by all Axpo Group employees in their daily work and by our business partners. By signing the Code of Conduct for Business Partners, our business partners commit themselves in particular to business ethics & integrity, respect for human rights, socially acceptable working conditions and compliance with environmental standards.
We conduct our business in compliance with the law, and as employees, with the Code of Conduct - everywhere, at all times and regardless of what others expect or demand.
Our managers always set an example through their conduct.
Safety and protection of people and the environment are priorities for Axpo.
We comply with safety, occupational health and safety, as well as environmental protection regulations and report violations.
We treat our employees with respect, tolerance and decency.
Harassment, discrimination or other personal injury against employees is prohibited.
We respect the privacy and personal data of our employees, customers and business partners.
We respect the principles of fair competition and do not enter into any anti-competitive agreements regarding prices, conditions, customers, markets, quantities or territories.
We do not exchange information with competitors or competitors.
We do not offer or accept bribes. Our business is based on the quality of our products and services, not on such practices.
Theft, fraud, misappropriation of property or other criminal acts against Axpo or its employees will not be tolerated and can result in legal civil or criminal consequences.
Gifts and invitations as well as other benefits or favors may not be accepted, promised or offered if they have or are intended to have an unlawful influence on a person or are intended to do so.
Appropriate gifts, invitations, benefits or favors of low commercial value are permissible as a sign and as part of business and social esteem and courtesy, for advertising purposes or for legitimate customer care.
Private interests and relationships must be separated from business, and existing or potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed immediately.
As employees, we respect our duty of loyalty to Axpo.
We work with business partners who share our values and recognise the business principles of the Code of Conduct.
In case of doubt regarding the integrity of business partners or the legality of their financial means, the supervisor or the Compliance Officer must be informed immediately.
Confidential as well as non-public information and business secrets of Axpo and other companies to which we have access as employees must remain confidential (even after expiry of the employment or contractual relationship) and must never be misused for our own benefit or for the enrichment of third parties.
Axpo business information belongs to Axpo. Business documents and data remain the property of Axpo after termination of the employment or business relationship.
Utilize (never abuse) our information and communication technology for your daily work with professionalism and respect. As an employee, always communicate in a considered and appropriate manner and always ensure that you are willing to stand by what you say or write.
A single employee can permanently harm Axpo through dishonest or illegal conduct. If you are uncertain about the right path to follow in a specific situation, always ask your line manager or the responsible Compliance Officer for advice.
Infringements of regulations and punishable offences can harm us all and must therefore be reported to your line manager and the Compliance Officer. No employee will be disadvantaged for reporting with honest intent any infringements of regulations by employees or third parties.
Axpo creates equal employment opportunities and fosters an inclusive and diverse working environment. At Axpo we are committed to diversity and do not tolerate discrimination or harassment. Decisions on employment, promotion or training are based on objective job-related requirements only. We embrace the diversity of our colleagues and promote a fair workplace that strengthens our culture of mutual respect, collaboration, trust and openness. We treat our colleagues with dignity and encourage each other to support the firm’s diversity and inclusion initiatives.
Our incident reporting channel ‘SpeakUp’ provides a way for employees and people from outside the Axpo Group to report compliance breaches or related concerns (including anonymously).
We are aware that misconduct can sometimes occur in the workplace, especially in large organisations. If you have any concerns or suspicions, or if you are aware of an actual breach, then please let us know. This will enable us to take the necessary steps to ensure adherence to laws, integrity and ethics.
SpeakUp is operated by an independent service provider and consists of a 24/7 telephone and online service for reporting suspected or actual incidents (including anonymously).
Messages are processed by designated, qualified compliance officers at our internal SpeakUp office in Switzerland. To send a message through SpeakUp, please visit this website and follow the instructions.
Quality is a high priority for Axpo. In selecting our partners and suppliers we not only look at innovative products and reliable services, but also at timely delivery and competitive prices. In turn, we offer a fair, long-term partnership.
Axpo focuses on sustainability in supplier selection. With this in mind, we have developed a Codex for Business Partners that is an integral part of business. By signing the Codex, our business partners expressly commit to complying with the guiding principles for a sustainable, ethical, law-abiding conduct.
Our General Terms of Business are the basis for contracts between Axpo and suppliers. They apply to the procurement of material, equipment and services. Specific legal and commercial contract terms are covered in framework and individual agreements.
The following GTBs replace all previous versions:
Complex global supply chains are a major lever for making progress globally towards sustainable development. We therefore rely on cooperation and collaboration with all business partners and demand compliance with recognised ecological and social standards. We require our suppliers to act in accordance with the law and to comply with Axpo’s code for business partners. Therein, they commit to taking responsibility for sustainability ssues. The focus is on topics such as
All (new) Axpo Group suppliers must complete a self-declaration that also includes aspects concerning sustainability. We also have a partnership with EcoVadis (www.ecovadis.com). The platform enables us to assess suppliers’ sustainability performance more systematically, derive improvements and track effectiveness.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments.